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    • „Tablets changing the way to learn and teach”
      • „Tablets changing the way to learn and teach”

      • 03.02.2019 22:40
      • In October 2018 three teachers from our municipality: Emilia Olszewska from Lubicz Dolny, Beata Pastwa from Młyniec Pierwszy and Teresa Szatkowska from Złotoria, took part in the training „Tablets changing the way to learn and teach – Tap-Swipe-Pinch” in Santa Maria da Feira in Portugal.
      • The course was conducted by Viljenka Savli from Slovenia, who introduced new technologies to the participants in a very attractive way. During the one-week course, participants could learn about different praxis of tablets in a school environment. The teachers learnt about such applications as Quick, FilmoraGo, Nearpod, Quizlet, Thinglink, iMovie, Book Creator, Google Drive, iNigma, Seesaw, Metaverse, Expeditions, Kahoot, Plickers. In the training participated the teachers from different European countries: Hungary, Romania, Italy, Lithuania, Estonia, Sweden and Portugal, which was the opportunity to exchange experience and compare systems of education. The course enabled to familiarize with many useful applications, what is more, using them in future will make lessons more attractive and improve students motivation.

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      • Szkoła Podstawowa w Młyńcu Pierwszym
      • 56-6782869
        530 023 856
      • ul. Toruńska 10, 87-162 Lubicz
      • Dariusz Bączkowski
      • d.baczkowski@jumi2012
      • Nr konta Rady Rodziców: BS Grębocin 60 9491 0003 0000 0000 1821 0002
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