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    • Visit in the ClassLab in Brussels
      • Visit in the ClassLab in Brussels

      • 03.02.2019 22:19
      • As a grand opening of our Erasmus+ project, 6 teachers from our municipality, including Dominik Blek and Urszula Witkowska, have flown to Brussels to join 33 teachers from 11 countries to learn about programming in the classroom. Our group had a chance to see innovative tools and methods of teaching programming
      • During our five day course, we found out about computational thinking and how to implement it in teaching as well as what is Game-based learning. We also learned about the history and culture of Belgium and practised our communication skills while talking and working with other participants. We were introduced to a number of tools to use in the classroom:

        - Tynker, Processing.js and Scratch to create presentations, animations and more,
        - Kodu and Minecraft Education to create video games,
        - AppInventor and PocketCode to create apps for our mobile devices,
        - LEGO Mindstorms to introduce robotics,
        - the Computer Science unplugged website with ideas to teach computational thinking and computer science without technology.

        We could also have a tour of the Future Classroom that is very close to the Dalton classroom – children have assignments or a project to do in the week and they can choose were to work during the day. They can even develop themselves in the relaxing corner, where they can read or just rest.

        The final two days of the course we learned how to plan our school's technological development and we collaborated with other participants to create learning scenarios and lesson plans. All of the presented ideas inspired us to work hard in Poland to introduce these concepts to our students.

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      • Szkoła Podstawowa w Młyńcu Pierwszym
      • 56-6782869
        530 023 856
      • ul. Toruńska 10, 87-162 Lubicz
      • Dariusz Bączkowski
      • d.baczkowski@jumi2012
      • Nr konta Rady Rodziców: BS Grębocin 60 9491 0003 0000 0000 1821 0002
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