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    • Teaching through coding
      • Teaching through coding

      • 03.02.2019 22:38
      • In September, another group of teachers participated in the course „Teaching Through Coding & Robotics” organized by Smart Solution in Malta. During the training the teachers from our school Mrs. Marta Błaszak and Mrs. Sylwia Knieć, and the teachers from the schools in Złotoria and Młyniec Pierwszy, learned the general concept of Computational Thinking.
      • It covers formulating a problem and expressing its solution. They got acquainted with online programs used to learn coding and programming through play: Scratch 2.0 and Scratch Jr, Hour of Code, code.org, Lightbot, Kodable, playcodemonkey.com, codecombat.com, Greenfoot, Hopscotch, App Inventor. They programmed Micro-bits (small PCBs connected to the computer), so that they show different shapes and words. They worked with BlueBots, ProBots, Ozobots and Sphero. Using the Tynker App, they controlled Minidrons. The task wasn’t easy – one of the drones got tangled in the hair of the course participant. The building and programming of robots made of Lego WeDo and Lego Mindstorms blocks proved to be quite a challenge as well. During the last meeting, the participants of the course worked in small groups to prepare the exercise / lesson / project using the tools learned during the training. Presentation of materials was a good opportunity to share experiences and ideas in the field of programming. Our teachers prepared a science-English exercise using BlueBot.

        Besides participation in the course was a great chance to develop organizational skills, to practice using English in real life, to learn about the culture and the educational system in Malta, and a great opportunity to get to know and make contact with teachers from schools in Bulgaria, Germany, Romania, Croatia and Norway. The summary of the trip will be a school Escape Room created by teachers using coding and programming.

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      • Szkoła Podstawowa w Młyńcu Pierwszym
      • 56-6782869
        530 023 856
      • ul. Toruńska 10, 87-162 Lubicz
      • Dariusz Bączkowski
      • d.baczkowski@jumi2012
      • Nr konta Rady Rodziców: BS Grębocin 60 9491 0003 0000 0000 1821 0002
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