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      • Regulations for the "Let’s code it! Teacher hackaton" project

      • 03.02.2019 21:35
      • Recruitment regulations for the project:

        „Let’s code it! Teacher hackaton.”

        realized from 01.07.2017 to 30.06.2019

        as part of the ERASMUS+ Program,

        Key Action 1: Mobility of school education staff

        in Lubicz Community

      • § 1

        The following regulations defines rules of recruiting participants and taking part in the project.

        The project is the result of the analisys of the Lubicz European Development Plan and is aimed at:

        Improving the effectiveness of teaching mathematics to students of Primary Schools in Młyniec Pierwszy, Lubicz Dolny and Złotoria in 24 months.

        Implementation of 3 educational innovations submited to the Board of Education for students of Primary Schools in Młyniec Pierwszy, Lubicz Dolny and Złotoria in 24 months.

        Increasing educational staff support allowing selfdevelopment, peer development and professional development of 21 teachers from Primary Schools in Młyniec Pierwszy, Lubicz Dolny and Złotoria in 24 months.

        Developing effective communication in English of 21 teachers from Primary Schools in Młyniec Pierwszy, Lubicz Dolny and Złotoria in 24 months.

        Raising the level of programming knowledge and skills of 21 teachers from Primary Schools in Młyniec Pierwszy, Lubicz Dolny and Złotoria in 24 months.

        Extending the list of potential partners in international partnerships for Primary Schools in Młyniec Pierwszy, Lubicz Dolny and Złotoria in 24 months.

        § 2

        There will be 21 particitants taking part in the project – teachers from Primary Schools in Młyniec Pierwszy, Lubicz Dolny and Złotoria.

        The project will take place from 01.07.2017 to 30.06.2019: 

        Programming for the 21st century classroom/ 09-13.10.2017/Belgium/6 participants

        Educational robotics. Gamifying the classroom/23-27.04.2018/Spain/3 participants

        Design learning scenarios for educational robotics/ 2-6.07.2018/Portugal/3 participants

        Teaching through coding, robotics and tablets/ 02.09-08.09.2018/Malta/6 participants

        Tablet general/ 7-13.10.2018/Portugal/3 participants

        Participants will receive funding to cover:

        Belgium (methodical course Programming for the 21st century classroom):

        275 € per participant for travel costs

        686 € per participant for accomodation

        350 € per participant for perticipation fee

        Spain ( methodical course Educational robotics. Gamifying the classroom)

        275 € per participant for travel costs

        588 € per participant for accomodation

        350 € per participant for perticipation fee


        Malta ( methodical course Teaching through coding, robotics and tablets)

        275 € per participant for travel costs

        756 € per participant for accomodation

        490 € per participant for perticipation fee

        Portugal ( methodical course Design learning scenarios for educational robotics)

        360 € per participant for travel costs

        588 € per participant for travel costs

        350 € per participant for perticipation fee


        Portugal ( methodical course Tablet general)

        360 € per participant for travel costs

        756 € per participant for accomodation

        490 € per participant for perticipation fee

        § 3

        The participant must fulfill the following mandatory requirements:

        Be employed in schools that are part of the consortium on the basis of a contract of employment;

        Higher education with pedagogical preperation and fulfill aditional requirements listed in § 4.

        Recruitment of participants of the project will be carried by a specially appointed Recruitment Commision. In order to take part in the recruitment process one must fill out an application form, which can be received in the school office in Primary Schools in Młyniec Pierwszy, Lubicz Dolny and Złotoria or from the Lubicz Community website (www.lubicz.pl). The completed form must be delivered to the school office. Each applicant will receive feedback on the indicated e-mail address. The deadline for submissions is 23.06.2017.

        § 4
        To take part in the project, applicants must fulfill all mandatory erquirements, the English placement test results and receive the largest amount of points from the following cryteria: 

        Participation in the methodical course (21 participants / max 17 pts.)

        Knowledge of English on B2 level (1-4 pts.)

        performing the principal and vice principal role (1 pt.)

        K0-3 education (1pt.)

        Teaching maths (1 pt.)

        Teaching ICT (1 pt.)

        Implementing an education innovation (1 pt.)

        Conducting extra ICT classes (1 pt.)

        Conducting a special interests group for pupils (1 pt.)

        International cooperation (i.e. eTwinning) (1 pt.)

        Being part of the team responsible for the School work concept (1 pt.)

        Being part of the team responsible for  European Union projects (1 pt.)

        Being part of the team responsible for school promotion (1 pt.)

        Presenting a plan for sharing gained information and knowledge, as well as intentions of using them with students (1-2 pts.)

        The team responsible for the selection includes Marek Olszewski (Commune Mayor of Lubicz), Mariola Marcinkowska (Principal of the Primary School in Młyniec Pierwszy), Danuta Ferens (Principal of the Primary School in Lubicz Dolny), Wiesława Geras (Principal of the Primary School in Złotoria), Anita Streich (project coordinator)

        Selection procedures:

        Filling the application form available on the school website or in the school office;

        English Test;

        Examination of applications by the Recruitment Commision;
        Creating a list of the project participants (21 people with the most points) and the reserve list (6 people)

        The selection results  will be announced by sending an e-mail notification of qualification to the project.

        The committee's decision can be revoked within 7 days of giving the results to the commune Mayor of Lubicz

        § 5

        Teachers who will be qualified for the project will be required to:

        Before the mobility:

        Taking part in a 40 hour English course;

        Taking part in a 5 hour methodical preperation course;

        Taking part in a 5 hour culture course;

        Finishing a chosen Internet course on eTwinning tools and many computer tools useful in fulfilling projects;

        Finishing the internet course prepared by the European Schoolnet Academy (http://www.europeanschoolnetacademy.eu): Introducing Technology-Enhanced Teaching 2.0

        After the mobility:

        Introducing an educational innovation with coding, programming or robotics;

        Preparing a new educational method to teach coding (i.e. educational games, lesson plans, etc.)

        Taking part in all promotional events planned by the project realisation team;

        Sharing your new knowledge and skills;

        Preparing and filing in an End report in the Mobility Tool system 

        sporządzenia i złożenia raportu końcowego w systemie Mobility Tool within no more than 30 days of the end of mobility.

        § 6
        Final Provisions

        The following regulations are available online at www.lubicz.pl

        Lubicz Community reserves the right to change these rules without giving any reason. You can find the current version of the following regulations at the given website.

        The project was funded with support from the European Commission under the Erasmus + program.

        The publication was created as a result of a project funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus + program. The publication reflects only the author's position. The European Commission or the National Agency shall not be responsible for the content contained therein or for the use of the information contained therein.




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      • Szkoła Podstawowa w Młyńcu Pierwszym
      • 56-6782869
        530 023 856
      • ul. Toruńska 10, 87-162 Lubicz
      • Dariusz Bączkowski
      • d.baczkowski@jumi2012
      • Nr konta Rady Rodziców: BS Grębocin 60 9491 0003 0000 0000 1821 0002
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